Why Choose A Property Manager...

Being a proud owner of a property you will have thought about the day to day aspects of property management.

Understanding what a property manager’s duties and responsibilities are will help you entrust it to a reputed property manager. Property management covers a broad spectrum of duties, from finding good tenants and maximising rental income, and to ensure that the property is in its optimal condition. This means overseeing financial matters, legal aspects, and even budgeting for maintenance.

Placing the responsibility of your rental in the hands of a property manager, and who is managed by a licensed real estate agency, will make your life easier by avoiding the day to day worries of your rental property.

Your property manager will have a good understanding of the local market and will keep you informed of any potential changes that could affect your investment.

This will save you money, unwanted stress and time.


What Your Property Manager Will Do For You...

A good property manager is always looking out for your best interests when making choices about your investment property and its occupants. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Take away the day to day worries of your investment property
  • Market your property
  • Find good tenants and long term lease agreements
  • Collect an appropriate rent and negotiate
  • Prepare the tenancy agreement
  • Collect and lodge bond payments
  • Conduct regular inspections and prepare a routine inspection report
  • Arrange for maintenance and repairs
  • Provide financial statements and relevant notices
  • Pay council rates and taxes (from the rent)
  • Issue termination notices to difficult tenants
  • Tenant turnover management

You Choose The Services That You Require.